When we look around our homes and moan about the amount of annual maintenance that needs doing, it can be tempting to think it’s not really worth that extra effort. Maybe you had an expensive holiday this summer and don’t fancy splashing out for that total gutter clearance you usually have in October. That money could go towards the next treat, surely? Hmm, if you have a chimney with a real fire, and many homes do, it is critical to have the chimney swept – the build up of soot and debris can have catastrophic results if it clogs up and stops the air from coming down or escaping up and out. A flat garage or porch roof can be a regular problem in the winter. The build up of sitting water can seep under the roof and damage the felt insulation that sits between the flat roof and the ceiling of the garage or room below. It is very easy for water ingress to seep down cracks along the edge of the roof or if someone has been heavy handed with ladders to reach the chimney etc. Another job that must be carried out in winter, and indeed in spring, is bleeding the radiators. It’s amazing how much air can be trapped in a domestic heating system. It cause problems by stopping the radiator from heating up and it ends up making a dreadful banging sound as the trapped air moved about. Just a few little jobbies then, but so vital to the continuance of a nice safe property to hand on to our next generation.