Mkake Time Those Esential Home Maintenance Tasks

When we move into our first home there is that expectation that we will look after and cherish it for always.  Well after a few months of being very busy and not always having as much time as anticipated, it can be a struggle to keep on top of the jobs that really need doing on a regular basis.  On an older house for example it is essential that bird dropping tree particles and bilding nests etc don’t clog up gutters, or get stuck in down pipes.  This stops the natural flow of rain water – firstly if the gutters are clogged, the torrential down pours off roof tiles will flood over the side of the gutters, down the house itself.   Many houses have rooms built out from the main structure with their own guttering.  They also have waterproof material, called flashings, all the way up the roof tiles to stop water ingress to the fabric below.  I had a big problem with this some years ago.  My garage roof is sloping up and a lazy young window cleaner was seen to be skipping across the tiles without putting a protecting plank across them.  This cracked several tiles, causing a huge problem with rain seeping though.  Eventually the roofing felt and insulation below the tiles became so waterlogged, it soaked the lighting below to the porch and outside of the garage.  All the power went off and I had a major problem needing an emergency electrician.  Expensive and extremely dasngerous.  But a lesson learned all the same!